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Hexagen Hyperiol Forte

Hexagen Pharma
249 kr 399 kr
Du sparar: 150 kr 38%

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Hexagen Hyperiol Forte är en potent pre workout med en unik formula som frmaställs med yttersta precision. Alla vet att för att få ut mest av din träning måste du få ut maximalt av dina träningspass. Hexagen Pharma kommer alltid finnas vid din sida för att leverera hjälpmedlen för att du ska bli en mer framgångsrik atlet.

  • Superfokus
  • Hög koffeinhalt

Hyperiol Forte Från Hexagen är producerad av framgångsrika ingengörer för att du ska få de mest potenta ingredienserna att arbeta synergiskt med varandra.

Användning: Hexagen Hyperiol Forte är framtagen som ett kosttillskott och ska intas före träning. Tag en servering 15g (2 skopor) och blanda med 300-400 ml vatten 20min innan träning.

Näringsvärde Per Servering (15g) % RDI
Magnesium (citrat) 220 mg 50%
Cholin Bitartrate 112 mg 25%
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 90 mg 100%
Niacin (as niacinamide) 16 mg 100%
Zinc (gluconate) 11 mg 100%
Vitamin B5 (pantontensyra) 5 mg 100%
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCI) 1,7 mg 100%
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 1,3 mg 100%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 1,2 mg 100%
Selenium (elemental) 55 mcg 100%
Chromium Picolinate 40 mcg 100%
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) 2,4 mcg 100%
Focus & Energy Matrix 430 mg
Caffeine Anhydrous 280 mg
L-tyrosine 100 mg
Green Tea Leaf Extract 50 mg
Muscle Mass Activator 3500 mg
L-leucine (fermented) 1750 mg
L-Isoleucine (fermented) 875 mng
L-valine (fermented) 875 mg
Double Test Optimizer 2000 mg
D-Aspartic Acid 1900 mg
N-Methyl D-Aspartic Acid 100 mg
Performance & Volumizing Matrix 7200 mg
Beta Alanine 3000 mg
Creatine Monohydrate 2000 mg
MCT (medium Chain triglycerids) 1200 mg
Creatine HCI 1000 mg
Cell Plasma Antioxidant Matrix 450 mg
Apple Extract Polyphenols 250 mg
Grape Extract Polyphenols 100 mg
Pine Bark Extract Polyphenols 100 mg
(total caffeine content per serving 300mg)

Övriga ingredienser i Hexagen Hyperol Forte PWO

Acidizers: Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Anti caking agent: Calcium Phosphate, Micronized crystalline Cellulose, Natural and artificial flavour, Sweetener: Acesulfame Potassium, sucralose, Color: Riboflavin, Brilliant Blue E122

The most comprehensive pre-workout product ever developed.

Every workout counts, you need to perform at your best every training session to make maximum quality gains. We at Hexagen Pharma tm are here to support you with the best products for the most impactful workouts you can achieve as an active athlete.

Hyperiol Forte has been scientifically engineered to give you the most potent ingredients in the perfect ratio to help you push through the most extreme training sessions, utilizing its MULIT ANGLE PERFORMANCE MATRIX.

Vitamins and minerals will give your body support for many vital functions among them provide transport for key ingredients to reach the different parts in your body, boost the immune system through anti oxidation properties, helps support cellular energy production keeping normal function of the nervous system, numerous metabolic processes, to keep inner organs healthy and support detoxification and so on.

Focus & Energy Matrix, Caffeine, natural green tea and L-tyrosine to stimulate energy, focus and stamina throughout the workout. Muscle building branched chained amino acids combined with the outstanding testosterone boosting complex of D-Aspartic Acid and N-Methyl D-Aspartic Acid creates a quality muscle gain and strength increase powerhouse.

D-Aspartic Acid is one is a derivative of the amino acid known as Aspartate, where the common dietary enantiomer is L-Aspartate. L-Aspartate is a non-essential amino acid and can be incorporated into protein structures, although D-Aspartate is not commonly associated with protein structures. D-Aspartate has been found to be a constituent of human cartilage, enamel, and can be accumulated in the brain as well as being a constituent of red blood cell membranes.

Hyperiol Forte Hexagen Study

D-Aspargin Syra och Hormonfrisättning

D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) is a regulator of testosterone synthesis and may act on a stimulatory receptor (N-methyl-D-aspartate). D-Aspartic Acid also shows promise in increasing nitric oxide levels. Continuous supplementation of D-Aspartic Acid provides temporary increases in testosterone levels for healthy men and women. We have added N-Methyl D-Aspartic Acid as its been shown to elevate the testosterone levels more effectively than when D-Aspartic Acid is supplemented by its own. To give your body the best support for maximize performance and strength increase we have added Performance & Volumizing Matrix that contains a creatine complex of creatine HCI and creatine monohydrate, the most effective and commonly used ingredients with the best track record used by bodybuilders throughout the world and with a perfect dose of 3.000mg per serving it will give you optimal results. Beta Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that is used by muscle cells to synthesize carnosine. Carnosine is a dipeptide (Beta-Alanine plus Histidine) that functions as a buffer for the hydrogen ions (acid) produced during strenuous exercise, thus helping to maintain optimum muscular pH. To increase muscle carnosine content, it allows muscles to work harder and longer during intense exercise, the results in delayed muscle fatigue and rapid recovery time, thereby helping you attain your strength and endurance training goals.

Hyperiol Forte Hexagen study

MCT Olja

MCT oil powder (medium chain triglycerides) have been added as a clean energy source to aid athletic performance and weight loss. MCT has also been shown to increase the ketone levels, ketone bodies are utilized as a fuel source, like glucose, but do not raise sugar levels or trigger insulin release. Training hard and adding muscles puts a big stress on your cells and oxidation in your cells and may result in sickness and poor health, we have the vitamin/mineral complex that combat these side effects but also added the Cell Plasma Antioxidant Matrix to make sure that we supply you with the best protection against the oxidation and these free radicals, this matrix contains a triple polyphenols combination from apple, grape and pine bark, they have some of the biggest concentration of polyphenols and helps support digestive health, reduction of inflammation, slowing of aging, cognitive function, athletic performance, healthy blood sugar, and reduction of oxidative stress.

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